Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I'm tired.
Today was my second day at Daisy Elementary. It must tell ya, it's a lot of fun. I've been chasing the four year olds around, reading stories, helping count. It's amazing the range of developmental levels. Some of these guys are ready to read and some can't even write their own name. One little girl (A I'll call her) LOVES me. She sits with me in lunch, she askes me to push her on the swing, etc. It's great. I will tell ya, I've never had to wake 20 kids up from a nap, geez louise! They were out. We had to pick a lot of them up to wake them up. This whole experience has really made me want kids. The only not so great thing is that I haven't made too many connections between what I've learned in school and what I see at Daisy. We learn such awesome progressive stuff, but the teachers have to stick to such strict guidelines. Our teacher is going to have us do individual checklists on every student, which will be good because Deb and I have a lot of papers to write about our observations.
Charlie and I have decided to audition for Same time next year, so I'll let everyone know what happens. He's decided to cook for me every Friday night, so that should be interesting. I'll let you know about that too.


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