Friday, October 21, 2005

Marriage or why I love my husband

Last night I lost a notebook. I was really upset because not only did it have my notes from this semester, but it had a poem I was working on (which is a big deal, because I don't write poetry so much anymore). I looked all around and couldn't find it. So Charlie gets up and helps me look.
We look in the living room, in the computer room, in the bedroom, I went out and looked in my car, no where. So he starts to put on his shoes. "You don't have to go out and look, I allready did." "I'm just going to go check," he says.
30 seconds later he walks in with the notebook.
"Where was it?" I asked. "It was between the passenger seat and the door. I knew it would be there. Every time you loose something, that's where it is. I know you."
That's what marriage is, knowing where someone lost something.
Of course, I knew the face he made when he found it. We had a nice laugh.
When I started to work on the poem though, it didn't come out of my head like I wanted it to. They never do anymore. I think I left part of myself somewhere.


Blogger bigsip said...

Nice story, Di.

Marriage is grand!

Sorry your poetry muse is asleep. You just need to wake her up!

Just try to relax and let the words come to you. If you stress about it, they'll never come out.

Wake up MUSE!

1:05 PM  

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